(Published in The Norman Transcript August 11, 2016, 1t) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF CLEVELAND COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA Bank of America, N.A., Plaintiff, v. Roy E. Wiggin, III, et al., Defendant(s). Case No. CJ-2015-1359 NOTICE OF HEARING MOTION TO CONFIRM SHERIFFS SALE TO: Defendant(s): Roy E. Wiggin III and Karla A. Wiggin TAKE NOTICE that the Plaintiff has filed herein its Motion to Confirm Sheriffs Sale in the above-entitled cause. That said Motion to Confirm Sale of the following real property: LOT SIXTEEN (16), IN BLOCK ONE (1), OF SLEEPY HOLLOW HILLS, A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT, TO OKLAHOMA CITY, CLEVELAND COUNTY OKLAHOMA, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF INCLUDING A 1995 OAKWOOD MOBILE HOME, VIN: HOCO15F00376AB Hearing of said Motion to Confirm Sheriffs Sale will be heard before the Honorable Judge Balkman in the Cleveland County Courthouse, on the 7th day of September, 2016, at 1:30 oclock p.m. You must appear at said time and present any objections to the said sale proceedings or the Motion to Confirm Sale will be sustained and the sale confirmed. S/George W. Velotta II George W. Velotta II, #9923 Kozeny & McCubbin, L.C. Attorneys for Plaintiff 609 S. Kelly Avenue, Suite A-2 Edmond, Oklahoma 73003 Phone: (405) 285-8100 (Edmond Office) Fax: (314) 744-7737 THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. THIS IS A COMMUNICATION TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE..