(Published in The Norman Transcript October 13, 2016, 1t) DI TECH FINANCIAL, LLC, Plaintiff, v. MICHAEL D. BUTTS; STACY G. BUTTS; JOHN DOE, OCCUPANT; SPRINGLEAF FINANCIAL SERVICES INC. FKA AMERICAN GENERAL FINANCIAL SERVICES (DE), INC.; GARY L. GIESSMANN; ROLLIN NASH, JR.; AND NASH, COHENOUR, KELLEY & GIESSMANN, P.C. Defendant(s). Case No. CJ-2016-344 Judge Virgin NOTICE OF HEARING MOTION TO CONFIRM SHERIFFS SALE NOTICE IS GIVEN TO: Michael D. Butts; Stacy G. Butts; John Doe, Occupant; Springleaf Financial Services Inc. fka American General Financial Services (DE), Inc.; Gary L. Giessmann; Rollin Nash, Jr.; Nash, Cohenour, Kelley & Giessmann, P.C., and their unknown successors and assigns, that the hearing on the above Motion to Confirm Sale is set on the 10 day of November, 2016, at 1:30 p.m., before Judge Walkley, at the Cleveland County Courthouse, Norman, Oklahoma. SHAPIRO & CEJDA, LLC 770 NE 63rd St Oklahoma City, OK 73105-6431 (405)848-1819 Attorneys for Plaintiff File No. 11-109927