(Published in The Norman Transcript April 21, 28, 2016, 2t) INVITATION TO BID BID NO. 1516-34 Sealed proposals will be received, for the Norman Utilities Authority (NUA), by the Purchasing Division for the City of Norman, Norman, Oklahoma, at its office, located at 201 West Gray Street, Building C, Norman, Oklahoma 73069 until 2:00 p.m. Local Time, on May 19, 2016, for the ROBINSON STREET WATERLINE REPLACEMENTS The project consists of furnishing all required labor, materials, supplies, equipment and tools to perform all necessary labor for the installation of approximately 4,700 linear feet (LF) of 30-inch and 3,700 LF of 12-inch water lines and related appurtenances. Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at that time and location for performing all work required for the construction of the ROBINSON STREET WATERLINE REPLACEMENTS. All prospective bidders must attend the mandatory Pre-Bid Conference to be held in the Multi-Purpose Conference Room at 201 West Gray Street, in Norman, Oklahoma, at 2:00 p.m. on May 5, 2016. FAILURE TO ATTEND THE PRE-BID CONFERENCE SHALL CONSTITUTE GROUNDS FOR REJECTION OF THE BID. For information concerning the proposed Work, or the scheduled Pre-Bid Conference, contact Alan Swartz at (405) 440-2725. The work shall be done in accordance with plans and specifications on file in the Utilities Department. Plans, specifications and other bidding documents are available for examination at the following locations: Alan Plummer Associates, Inc. (APAI), 414 NW 4th Street, Suite 150, Oklahoma City, OK 73102, Telephone (405) 440-2725; F.W. Dodge Room, Oklahoma City, Telephone (405) 792-2490; Southwestern Construction News, Oklahoma City, Telephone (405) 948-7474; Bid News Report, Oklahoma City, Telephone (405) 415-2530. A complete set of Plans and Specifications to prospective bidders may be purchased at APAI at the address listed above. The cost for bid sets are $125.00 for half-size plans and $250.00 for full-size plans, non refundable. Bids received more than ninety-six (96) hours, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, before the time set for opening the bids, as well as bids received after the time set for receipt of bids, WILL NOT be considered and will be RETURNED UNOPENED. A cashiers check, a certified check, or a surety bond in the amount of five percent (5%) of the bid shall accompany the sealed proposal of each bidder. Deposits will be returned to the unsuccessful bidders. Each bid submitted is a legal offer and when accepted by the NUA, constitutes a FIRM AND BINDING CONTRACT. The NUA reserves the right to REJECT ANY or ALL BIDS. The NUA reserves the unconditional right to cancel all or any portion of this project within sixty (60) days from the date of opening of bids, for any reason and at its sole discretion. The City of Norman is exempt from the payment of any sales or use taxes. Pursuant to Title 68 O.S., Section 1356 (10) and as allowed by Oklahoma Tax Commission Rules Part 27 Trust Authority 710:65-13-140, direct vendors to the NUA are also exempt from those taxes. A bidder and his subcontractors may exclude from bid sales tax on appropriate equipment, materials and supplies incorporated into the project and purchased by the NUA through the bidder. The bidder and his subcontractors will coordinate such purchases with the NUA.